If you have already self-published a book off Amazon, you may be wondering if you can then go the traditional route of publishing a book.
Yes, it is fine to publish a book using the traditional method after self-publishing using something like Amazon. In fact, a lot of authors choose the route of self-publishing anyway.

This is because there are very few wannabe authors who actually get their books published the traditional way. It is not an easy route to take, and getting a book self-published is a sure fire way to get your book out into the world.
The traditional method includes needing a literary agent, and even then they may not represent you. There are even positives to self-publishing first, and then looking for a book deal.
If you are interested to know more about this, then read on!
Why Might Somebody Publish A Book Traditionally After Self-Publishing?
It can take a writer months, if not years, wondering how they should go about publishing their book. Once they reach the decision of self-publishing their manuscript, why then decide to go down the traditional method of publishing?
Firstly, there isn’t a rule that states how you should publish a book. More and more authors are choosing to self-publish their book for many reasons.
Not only do you have full control over the book and its story, but you also get to receive all of the profit without sharing most of the expenses with an editor or an agent.
The only cut that disappears from your bank is likely to go to the company you’re self-publishing from.
Even so, the pay to them is likely to be small, so you will see most of the profits made. However, the profit is small.
Having a book published with a literary agent and a publishing house means that you will make more money and have a much bigger audience.
There is no doubt that you will make a lot of money going this route.
Are There Positives To Self-Publishing Before Trying To Get Traditionally Published?
If you ended up creating quite the buzz with your book, then it is likely that you gained an audience.
While self-publishing is the easy route to take if you are targeting a small niche, if that niche gives you a few hundred followers, this can help you to get an agent.
When you first apply to find a literary agent, you are going to be a nobody in a list of hundreds of other nobody’s.
However, maybe you self-promoted the book and caused quite a media stir. This can help you to get the attention of an agent, especially if it was positive publicity.
Or perhaps you sold more copies than expected and have a few thousand followers of the book on social media.
All of this can help you to publish a book the traditional way. However, you will also need to put in the hard work, and this can often mean spending money too.
After Self-Publishing A Book Can You Get A Literary Agent?

Yes, you can get a literary agent after self-publishing a book. Finding one – which takes a lot of research and emailing – can be a difficult task. And once you find one or two that you like, they may not want to represent you.
You can go straight to a publishing house without an agent, but the agent does most of the hard work for you. They know the ins and outs of publishing, and can help you to get a deal, so they are worth thinking about.
As stated above, the best way to find one is to have a strong book already released. This is by having a professional book cover, to a great story. Also a following for the book helps too.
You may also want to hire an editor to finetune your manuscript as well. Sometimes a self-published writer is not open to criticism or changes, and it can show within their work.
This means you should be open to honest feedback and change if need be.
Rarely is a published book exactly how it first started out. Even the Harry Potter books would have been tweaked here and there with the help of an editor.
When Is The Best Time To Traditionally Publish After Self-Publishing?
After self-publishing a book and seeing how it goes, it is then common to wonder about going the traditional route to publish a book.
If you are looking to secure a book deal, then you will be happy to know that there are no rules on how long you should leave it for between publishing books.
Even if you only self-published a book two months ago, there is no reason you cannot look at publishing a book traditionally. The only important thing is waiting to see how your self-published book does.
It needs time to be successful, and these things do not often happen overnight. However, it can be possible with a self-published book.
If you spend the money and put in the hard work, you have a higher chance of finding an agent and securing a book deal.
How Can You Demonstrate A Successful Self-Published Book To An Agent?
It can take a while for a self-published book to become successful, however it can happen. It has been known for some to sell in large numbers and quite fast, though this does not happen to everyone.
In most cases, a self-published book will attract a small niche audience, and that is okay too.
More often than not, a person writes for their own satisfaction and creativity. The money and success might not even be an issue.
However, if you have gained some success with your book, you may want to get this information out there to literary agents and book publishers.
Having success with your own self-published book means that there is a good chance your work is marketable.
An agent and publisher work with authors that they know have an audience, and that they can promote with campaigns and book tours.
You need to show that your book appeals to a particular demographic, and that this demographic is already reading it. This will help a publisher know exactly how they are going to market the book.
You may also have information on sales and how well your book is doing. A social media platform and even a blog can help too.
What Is The Best Way To Find A Literary Agent After Self Publishing A Book?
It can be difficult to know where to start after self-publishing, but rather than sending a full manuscript, you can create a submission package.
This includes your book, and information about the book. Just make sure you target the right agents for your work.
Final Thoughts
After self-publishing on Amazon, you can indeed publish a book the traditional way. In fact, having a successful book to hand can help you to be noticed by a literary agent and publishing house.
This means that it may be the best way to go if you are hoping to secure a book deal. This way, you can have a much bigger audience.