Authors say they write fanfiction because they enjoy imagining what their favorite characters would say, do, and feel if they were real.
Can you self publish fanfiction? Is there a substantial fan fiction audience? Can fanfiction authors turn their stories into profit?
We can tell you now that there is a consumer market consisting of entire communities that love to read about fanfiction.
Read ahead to learn how fan fiction works, and check our Kindle Direct Publishing Success Guide to turn a profit from your fan fiction stories.
What is Fan Fiction?
Fan fiction refers to literary works written by fans of and containing existing characters from movies, books, TV shows, comics, video games, etc.
While most fanfiction works are based on existing fictional works, some tackle non-fictional subjects occasionally.
For many amateur authors, writing about existing characters is an excellent way to show off their craft.
Famous fanfic writers like Nail Gaiman, E. L. James, and Stephen King are known for their fanfiction stories. The Harry Potter book series is one of the works that have generated top-grossing fanfiction pieces. Like the Harry Potter series, you will find fanfiction work for the Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and many popular movie properties.
People are often confused when they hear the word fanfiction – they think only about unusual stories, online games, and book-to-movie adaptations. However, there are many kinds of fanfiction that you may read in blog posts and from indie publishers.
Writing Fanfiction Stories
This genre of writing provides a great opportunity for amateur writers to get feedback from others, refine their skills, and create something meaningful. They can create an original story and add it to online collections. These collections contain the work of other popular authors, some of whom might even be your favorite authors.
Whatever the reason, there are many ways to share your fanfiction stories. Many websites allow you to upload your own stories and let people read them for free.
There are even communities of writers dedicated to sharing each other’s work.
You can also find in your favorite books classic characters that will play an important role in writing a fanfiction story. Encountering character personalities from other pieces is typical in fan fiction stories. Changing ordinary content to fiction is the start of the process.
Can You Self Publish Fanfiction?
Fanfiction writers can turn their passion into profit through self-publishing platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.
Writing fanfic can be incredibly rewarding if you put effort into it. You could publish it yourself under your name and make money off it.
There are plenty of platforms available to both authors and readers.
You can now self-publish fanfiction using various platforms on the internet. Numerous readers are now fond of getting digital copies of the books that they want to read.

Conditions for Publishing Fanfiction
Especially for traditional publishing, creating fanfiction pieces is sometimes frowned upon. Many literary masterpiece fans do not like alternate universes for their favorite books. Their outbursts revolve around the premise that all fanfiction work is unoriginal.
Nevertheless, you’re up to something special if you are a writer who can create flabbergasting twists and turns from original fictional work. If you think you have what it takes to write fanfiction, consider the following conditions before publishing:
Creative Imagination
Like fictional authors, fan fiction authors must have a creative imagination to write excellent and high-quality fanfiction. It allows writers to express themselves freely and become famous. With limitless imagination, you can create crossover fanfiction.
However, it is also important to know when to have creative control. Some readers might not like it if your work seems too farfetched.
On another note, creating fanfiction work may involve infringements on intellectual property laws, which brings us to the next condition.
Self-Publishing Done Right
Our Kindle Direct Publishing Success Guide is a good resource for beginners to start their journey of publishing their fanfiction work on the internet. It teaches the basics and encourages authors, even fanfiction writers, to hone their skills.
Legal Aspect of Being a Fan Fiction Writer
Can you self publish fanfiction without legal repercussions?
Authors retain their rights to their works until their death and then pass them down to their heirs. There are copyright issues and misunderstandings in the commercial market when a book becomes a source of published fanfiction.
For instance, the copyright laws of the United States indicate that an individual owns their work for their lifetime. It also covers 70 years after their death before ownership passes to their children.
If an author dies before the end of the first writing stage, the work doesn’t pass on to heirs because the work is incomplete. However, if an author still lives at the beginning of the second writing stage, they get another 70 years to complete the task.
After all of these periods pass, anyone may reproduce the work unless the author explicitly forbids reproduction and someone else claims ownership. This rule also applies to works created anonymously.
These provisions of the law may vary from one country to another. For this reason, it is important to know the copyright laws involved in your area before publishing. The laws in the place where the original work comes from will also apply to fanfiction work done abroad.
Many readers and writers are still hesitant about the legality of fan fiction. This genre focuses on creating a story using characters or elements from another media source. Characters often originate from video games, films, television series, comic books, manga, anime, or other forms of literature.
Fanfiction writing is not illegal, nor should it be. But there are laws against copyright infringement, which means that if you copy your favorite book, movie, or TV show and distribute them to others, you could face hefty fines or even jail time.
Most writers aren’t breaking laws because they are doing their own work. However, they may encounter legal issues if they publish their work online somewhere other than the original author’s website.
While there are several legal complications to fan fiction, you mustn’t be discouraged from creating your pieces. Consult with a lawyer if you’re looking for advice on whether your particular fan fiction violates those laws.
Publisher Screening
Publishers and legitimate distributors require writers to comply with copyright laws, fanfiction standards, and public demands. Copyright lawsuits are very taxing. It will be challenging for authors to deal with, especially if they are just starting to pursue this career.
Some countries and states have made it illegal to create fictional works based on copyrighted material. As such, many publishers do not accept contracts with fanfiction writers. Some publishing companies offer their guidance to first-time writers to prevent them from starting any type of copyright nightmare.
Fair Use
The conditions of Fair Use are an important tool for those who create original content, as well as those who reuse it. It allows creators to reuse elements from copyrighted material for non-commercial purposes. Through Fair Use conditions, creators can gain access to resources that would otherwise be inaccessible without the Fair Use policies.
Fair Use law protects those who wish to use copyrighted material in ways that might otherwise infringe on the owners’ exclusive rights. The provisions of the law allow for the use of copyrighted material for criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
It also protects a creator’s right to use works created using public domain material as long as proper credit is given. For example, non-profit websites may freely reprint newspaper articles under Fair Use if properly credited.
Moreover, fair use is a legal doctrine that permits limited use of copyrighted material without permission under specific circumstances. It is usually considered an affirmative defense to a copyright infringement claim. However, it is also relevant to file a suit to determine whether there is a valid basis for suing in the first place.
Fair Use applies to fanfiction work as long as the original content or work allows it. As long as a fanfiction writer follows the conditions for Fair Use, there shouldn’t be a problem publishing work based on original masterpieces.
Getting an Authorization from the Author
While many authors may not care if their fans write about them or adapt their characters, some have expressed disappointment when people copy their work.
Author Neil Gaiman once said he doesn’t mind people writing stories featuring his characters. Nevertheless, he wishes fans wouldn’t reuse his material for commercial gain without permission.
Because fan fiction is so close to original writing, many authors feel like they’re performing an act of homage. They write stories that allow them to connect to their idols on a deeper level.
However, some see fan fiction as something different—something to explore and enjoy. Fans write because they love the characters and stories they’ve read about in books. When fans write about characters they adore, they create new worlds and experiences for themselves and other fans. These tales are unique and personal, helping people connect through the words that they read.
Getting permission is the best way to skip the troubles of legalities and copyright infringement. It is vital for honoring the intellectual property rights of the authors. Written permission or authorization equates to a writing etiquette that maintains honor and respect for every author in the industry.
If you can get a resource author to grant you permission in writing, you’re well on your way to self-publishing your fanfiction work.
The Bottomline
Writers who embrace fan fiction may be surprised by its impact on readers. Stories shared among friends and colleagues become even stronger when they’re told again and again.
By following the Kindle Direct Publishing Success Guide, there is a chance that authors will create more amazing fan fiction stories in the future.
Indeed, fan fiction has already made a huge difference in today’s society, and it will continue to do so.