by EZ Pub Profits | Feb 23, 2023 | Blog
One of the most popular ways to publish many works these days is through e-book platforms like the Kindle, or rather, the Kindle Direct Publishing (abbreviated to KDP) division of Amazon. It’s simple, it’s relatively cheap, and helps you keep a decent amount of any...
by EZ Pub Profits | Feb 22, 2023 | Blog
Regardless of whether this is your 1st or 101st book, knowing how to make the most out of Kindle Direct Publishing keywords is an absolute must. These few chosen words will make the difference between your book not coming up at all or your book being presented to...
by EZ Pub Profits | Feb 22, 2023 | Blog
Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing service is a great way for authors and publishers to get their wonderful words and LC books on the market ASAP. It means creatives can start turning a profit almost immediately after finishing their final edit, which is obviously...
by EZ Pub Profits | Feb 22, 2023 | Blog
So, you’ve finally published that book off to Amazon. Congratulations! Many writers don’t even get this far, and this is a phenomenal first step to reach in your self-publishing experience. Now, all you have to do is kick back, keep an eye on the copies sold of your...
by EZ Pub Profits | Feb 13, 2023 | Blog
Nowadays, it’s difficult for newcomers to the literary world to stand out. And that makes sense. Each year, thousands of books are published, with 1.7 million being self-published. It’s crucial to know how to stand out as an author. Perhaps not many people...
by EZ Pub Profits | Feb 13, 2023 | Blog
Effective marketing is important when it comes to creating a flourishing business. If you’re selling on Amazon, a primary tool you can use to form your marketing strategy is Amazon’s pay-per-click advertising program, known as PPC. Amazon’s PPC ads can help you reach...