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Is Amazon KDP Only For Writers? [Explained]
Is Amazon KDP Only For Writers [Explained]

Amazon KDP has become very popular in recent years. It has allowed authors to self-publish their books very easily for the first time!

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing is not only for writers, it is useful to anyone who wishes to publish a book.

If you’re looking to publish a book with Amazon KDP, this article will give you all the guidance you need!

Read on for all the information you need on Amazon KDP, including who it is useful for!

What Is Amazon KDP?

Amazon KDP is Amazon’s publishing platform. It allows independent authors to publish their work in a matter of hours. All you have to do is create an account, upload your books, and start selling! You can sell hardbacks, paperbacks, and eBooks through Amazon!

This service is great because it doesn’t require any setup cost, and it is the most accessible and easy-to-use platform for authors looking to self-publish!

Is Amazon KDP Just For Writers?

Amazon KDP is not just for writers of novels. The platform allows you to publish any book, so it is for authors, rather than simply writers.

A lot of the users on this site will be writers, as they will be looking to publish their novels.

On this site you can publish the following:

  • Novels
  • Book series
  • Children’s books
  • Comics
  • Cookbooks
  • Journals
  • Poetry
  • Textbooks

How Does KDP Publishing Work?

KDP Publishing is a platform that encourages you to self-publish eBooks and paperback books.

When it comes to eBooks, you can directly upload your book files to the site. These will then immediately appear in the Kindle store. From here, readers can purchase and immediately download the files.

If you put a printed book on this site, you will need to upload the file onto KDP Publishing. When your book is purchased, KDP will print the book on demand. The cost of printing this book will be removed from the royalties that you have earnt from the sale of the book.

Step-By-Step Guide To Publishing Your Work On KDP

  • Step 1: Upload your book to Amazon KDP
  • Step 2: Publish your book on the platform
  • Step 3: The readers can then choose to purchase your eBook. It can then be downloaded onto their device.
  • Step 4: The readers can then purchase your paperback. When this is purchased, the book will be printed using print-on-demand technology. It will then be sent directly to the person who has purchased the book.
  • Step 5: Next, Amazon will pay you all the money you have earned from the book sales.

Benefits Of Publishing

There are several benefits that you get from self-publishing your work using KDP. This site has allowed a lot of authors to publish their work easily, as well as create a sustainable book business.

The benefits of publishing your work using Amazon KDP are:

Higher Royalties

On Amazon, you can earn royalties that are a lot higher than those that you would earn through traditional publishing houses.

You can get royalties of up to 60% on Amazon, depending on the type of book that you are publishing.

Wide Distribution

Amazon has a very large platform, so it reaches a large number of people. Authors will be able to reach a large number of global markets, including across Europe and the United States.

Author Rights

If you use Amazon KDP to publish your work, you don’t lose the rights to the book. This is because Amazon has a non-exclusive agreement, allowing you to retain the rights to your book.

Quick Publishing Time

Sometimes, when you publish a book with traditional publishing, the books can take a long time to be published. If you use Amazon KDP, the publishing process is very quick.

No Inventory

With Amazon KDP, your books will be printed on demand. This means that they are printed as soon as they are purchased rather than being printed upfront.

KDP Publishing Costs

There are some costs associated with publishing your work on Amazon. You’re probably wondering how and when you get paid, and how much you will earn for every book sale you make through KDP. We’ll answer your questions below!

How Much Does It Cost To Publish To Amazon KDP?

It is free for you to publish a book through Amazon KDP. It doesn’t cost anything directly. However, if you’re selling paperback books on Amazon, when a book is purchased, the cost to print the book will be taken away from your royalties.

Effectively, when someone purchases your book, you will pay for the printing cost.

It is also common for self-published authors to spend money on a few other things. For example, this money may be spent on cover design, formatting, and marketing costs.

How Do KDP Royalties Work?

Amazon’s KDP pays royalties to its authors through paying royalty fees. The eBook royalty rates and the paperback royalty rates are slightly different from each other.

For eBooks, you will either get 35% royalties for each book, or 70%. This will depend on which royalty rate your book is eligible for.

For paperback books, you will always get a 60% royalty rate. This means you will get 60% of the amount that your book is listed for.

These royalty rates are often a lot higher than the rates if you go through traditional publishing houses to publish your work. This is because there are a large number of additional costs involved in this process.

When Will You Get Your KDP Payment?

You will get a KDP payment once every month. You will get your first payment 60 days after the month that you have earned these royalties. This will include all of the royalties that you have earned from your books on KDP.

You will need to have met a minimum threshold before this will be paid to you. You can be paid in several different ways including:

  • Direct debit
  • Wire transfer
  • Check

What Is KDP Select?

KDP Select is a program that gives authors Amazon exclusive rights to sell their books on the Kindle platform.

If you enroll in this, then the eBook will only be available to be purchased on Amazon’s Kindle platform. This means that you won’t be able to sell your book anywhere else.

In exchange for these exclusive rights, Amazon will provide incentives to the author. For instance, they will help to promote the book and they may give you higher royalty rates.

KDP Select is not indefinite. You can enroll for 90 days and then you will have the option to renew the enrollment. You can decide to continue for another 90 days or opt out of the program altogether.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, you now have your answer! Amazon KDP is for anyone who wishes to publish a book. It is a great way to self-publish your work, and it comes with many advantages for users.

This article has given you the down low on using Amazon KDP, the benefits, and the way that it works.

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