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Top Most Searched Keywords On Amazon Kdp [A Guide]

Writing a book is a huge achievement for anyone no matter what the genre is. However, getting your book published can be a difficult task.

Top Most Searched Keywords On Amazon Kdp [A Guide]

Thankfully, there are means of publishing your book yourself that are accessible to everyone. One of the biggest platforms for self-publishing is KDP on Amazon.

This is a great platform that can provide authors with a place from which they can market and sell their work. 

As with any kind of marketing, it is important to understand the most effective way to draw potential customers to your product. Kindle keywords are the perfect way to do this through the KDP platform.

In this article, we will look at how to use Kindle keywords to get your book in front of your intended audience. 

What Are Kindle Keywords?

Before you can find the most searched keywords for your book, you need to understand what Kindle keywords are and what they can do for your books. 

A simple explanation of Kindle keywords is that they are the terms that a potential buyer types into the search bar on Amazon to find the product that they are looking for.

If you want people to be able to find your book, you will need to link these keywords to your book through the KDP platform. 

The keywords that you choose are important because research has shown that readers often search for something that they specifically want to buy.

This means that the top 3 or 4 results that show up are more likely to sell. Because of this, you should be aiming for your book to end up in the top few results for a search that is related to your genre. 

If your book doesn’t end up in the first few results, or at least the first page, it is going to be much harder to sell. When this happens, the only audience for your book will be people who already know about it and are specifically interested in it.

To broaden your audience, you will need to find out what the top, most searched keywords are that are relevant to your book. 

How To Find The Top Most Searched Keywords On KDP

In order to make sure that your book is visible to potential readers on Kindle, you need to find the top, most searched keywords that are relevant to your niche or genre.

The keywords that you end up using need to work hard for you and your book to bring readers and profit. 

Before we get into the specifics of how to find the best keywords for your product, it is important to understand the three things that will make a keyword worth your time.

The phrase or words that you use should be something that potential readers actually type into Amazon. They should relate to something that people will actually pay money for.

And you need to make sure that the competition within a keyword doesn’t make it too hard for your book to be noticed. 

Find The Most Searched Keywords For Your Niche

The ultimate goal of uploading your book onto the KDP platform is to sell it to readers. No matter how great your book is, you can’t successfully do this if your book doesn’t show up when shoppers search on Amazon. 

In order to use keywords that shoppers tend to use, we need to find the most searched keywords that relate to your genre or niche. If your keywords aren’t commonly searched terms, they will be useless in driving traffic to your book. 

In order to find the most common keywords for your niche or genre, there are a few simple steps you need to follow. 

  1. Open an Incognito browser window on your computer or mobile device. This is important because it will ensure that your previous search history on Amazon isn’t influencing the suggested searches that are shown. On some browsers, the Incognito browser is also known as the InPrivate browser. Navigate to the Amazon homepage in this browser. 
  2. Select Kindle Store or Books from the drop-down menu of categories next to the search bar. This will help to avoid products other than books and ebooks showing up in your results. It will also avoid non-book products being suggested in the search bar. 
  3. You can now begin to scope out keywords and phrases for your book. It is best to start with a single word or short phrase to allow Amazon to suggest phrases that are commonly searched. 
  4. Once you have found a phrase that interests you, add each letter of the alphabet to the end of the phrase one at a time. This will show you the longer phrases that come up. 
  5. An important step is to make sure that any of the phrases you decide to use for your keywords don’t violate the Amazon keyword requirements. These can be found under the Keywords to Avoid section. It is important to note that just because Amazon suggested a term in the search bar, does not mean that you can target it. 

Find Keywords Shoppers Want

Top Most Searched Keywords On Amazon Kdp [A Guide]

Even though shoppers search for the phrases you found, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they found what they were looking for or made a purchase.

If you want to make sure that KDP is profitable for you, you will need to find out which keywords actually convert to sales. To do this, you will need to delve deeper into the results that show up for your chosen phrases. 

  1. Click the top three books that appear for your keywords or phrases. For each book, scroll down the page until you find the Amazon Best Seller Rank (ABSR). You can then copy and paste the ABSR into a Kindle calculator that you can find online. This will tell you the estimated sales of the book for that day. 
  2. Once you have the information about the sales of the books from the top of your search results, you can work out whether the terms and keywords are going to be profitable or not. 
  3. Once you have found out which keywords make no money, or less money than others from your searches, you know two main things. You know that not many people must search for that term which leads to low sales. You also know that people who did search that term didn’t find something that they wanted to purchase. 
  4. Repeat this process for all your keywords.

Check The Kindle Keyword Competition

Finding keywords that are popular and convert to sales is only half of the work. If you cannot get your book to show up in the results for a keyword or near the top, then the keyword isn’t useful.

This is because the lower a book is in a results list, the less likely it is to be seen by readers. You need to be in the top 5 results to benefit from keyword shoppers. 

  1. The book cover should be enticing and spark interest. Your book cover should be eye-catching and stand out from the rest of the results for your keywords.
  2. Check whether the keyword is in the title or subtitle of the top 10 books. 
  3. Check how many reviews the books have and whether they are recent, verified, and what the rating is.
  4. Check the age of the book
  5. Read the description and learn from the layout and structure.

Kindle Keyword Tools To Help Authors

Doing your keyword research manually can be time-consuming and boring. Thankfully there is a tool called Publisher Rocket that can help to automate all of the steps that we have covered in this article. 

Final Thoughts

Making sure that you select the right keywords for your KDP book is the best way to ensure that you are giving your work the best chance to be seen and to sell well.

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