One of the most popular ways to publish many works these days is through e-book platforms like the Kindle, or rather, the Kindle Direct Publishing (abbreviated to KDP) division of Amazon. It’s simple, it’s relatively cheap, and helps you keep a decent amount of any...
How Many Keywords Do I Need For An Amazon Book? [KDP Guide]
Regardless of whether this is your 1st or 101st book, knowing how to make the most out of Kindle Direct Publishing keywords is an absolute must. These few chosen words will make the difference between your book not coming up at all or your book being presented to...
How Long Will It Take To Sell A Book On KDP?
Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing service is a great way for authors and publishers to get their wonderful words and LC books on the market ASAP. It means creatives can start turning a profit almost immediately after finishing their final edit, which is obviously...
How Long Does It Take To Receive Payment From Amazon KDP?
So, you’ve finally published that book off to Amazon. Congratulations! Many writers don’t even get this far, and this is a phenomenal first step to reach in your self-publishing experience. Now, all you have to do is kick back, keep an eye on the copies sold of your...
10 Ways To Get Noticed As A New Author
Nowadays, it's difficult for newcomers to the literary world to stand out. And that makes sense. Each year, thousands of books are published, with 1.7 million being self-published. It's crucial to know how to stand out as an author. Perhaps not many people are aware...
Amazon PPC: Everything You Need To Know
Effective marketing is important when it comes to creating a flourishing business. If you’re selling on Amazon, a primary tool you can use to form your marketing strategy is Amazon’s pay-per-click advertising program, known as PPC. Amazon’s PPC ads can help you reach...
Kdp: How To Make Your Book Stand Out?
The publishing industry has changed in the roughly twenty years after Amazon was first established as an online bookstore. Currently, Amazon is in charge of nearly two thirds of all book sales, including both print books and eBooks. With that much influence,...
How To Do Keyword Research For Amazon KDP? (A Guide)
The publishing world has changed a lot over the years, as writers don’t need to find a publisher to get their writing out there. Platforms, like Amazon KDP, make it easier than ever to self-publish your books. Amazon KDP allows authors to make their eBooks available...
How Do Authors Get Paid On KDP? (Guide)
For a monthly charge (currently $9.99/month), consumers can borrow up to ten books from Amazon's Kindle Unlimited service for as long as their writers or publishers have elected to include those titles within the Kindle Direct Publishing platform (KDP). There are...
How To Succeed At Amazon Self-Publishing
If you've got a step-by-step manual, understanding how to publish with Amazon is easy. However, since some people may not find Amazon's publishing platform to be the most user-friendly, figuring it all out on your own might be challenging. Although publication on...
How Do Amazon KDP Keywords Work? (Full Guide)
The biggest problem for any author attempting to promote a book on the biggest marketplace in the world is getting their book heard over the literally hundreds of thousands of other books that are out there. Acquiring a command of Amazon keywords will help. In this...
Is A Business License Required To Sell On Amazon KDP?
Are you considering selling on Amazon KDP and want to know if you need a business license? Maybe you are looking to make some extra cash and aren’t sure if Amazon KDP is the right choice for you? Or are you curious and want to know more? No matter your reason, we have...
EZ Pub Profits: Grow Your Passive Income The EZ Way
The Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) online platform offers immense opportunities to grow your eBook business and revenues online. You can write on a wide range of niches and can start to sell your online book on KDP without any hassle and in the least time. ...
Can You Publish Traditionally After Publishing On Amazon?
If you have already self-published a book off Amazon, you may be wondering if you can then go the traditional route of publishing a book. Yes, it is fine to publish a book using the traditional method after self-publishing using something like Amazon. In fact, a lot...
Can Anyone Do Amazon KDP? [A Guide]
No matter how skilled you are as a writer, it can be tricky to get your book published. As a result, many authors wait years before they can finally get their hard work printed. Luckily, there are now more self-publishing platforms available than ever before. Most of...
Can You Make Money With KDP With Low Content Books? [A Guide]
Recent advances in technology mean that it has never been easier to publish a book, and there are a variety of platforms and processes that are designed to make this as smooth and simple as possible - and Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is one of the most...
Before Publishing, Should You Create An Author Website?
Are you thinking about creating an author website? If yes, then read this article before starting. There are several things you need to consider before launching your site. An author website is a great way to promote your books or other written material. The idea...
Have E-Book Sales Been Declining On Amazon KDP? Possible Reasons Why
Ebooks are a popular and convenient way of consuming written content. After all, you can read books from your device, meaning that you won’t have to lug heavy books around. One of the most popular ways of selling and purchasing ebooks is through Amazon KDP (Kindle...