by EZ Pub Profits | May 8, 2023 | Blog
If you’re hoping to be an author, generally speaking you’d need to go through the traditional channels. You’d need to have a literary agent, have many talks with publishers, write and rewrite the books based on the publisher specifications etc. But in the modern...
by EZ Pub Profits | May 1, 2023 | Blog
Have you heard that Amazon is shutting down the Kindle, but you want more clarification as to where and why? We’ll find everything you need here if you want to know whether you can still use the service. Is Amazon Shutting Down The Kindle? The overall answer to...
by EZ Pub Profits | Apr 24, 2023 | Blog
More and more independent authors are going down the self-publishing route. One of the most prominent places to put your book is on Amazon, as you can publish your book through Kindle Direct Publishing. However, publishing books on Kindle Direct Publishing can lead to...
by EZ Pub Profits | Apr 17, 2023 | Blog
We all know that the moment before finally publishing your manuscript can be an incredibly nerve wracking time. You’re feeling completely torn between feelings of satisfaction and apprehension to find whether it’s been accepted or not by a publisher. That’s why it’s...
by EZ Pub Profits | Apr 13, 2023 | Blog
When Amazon initially launched Kindle Direct Publishing the world as we knew it changed for authors. Suddenly, there was a new and exciting opportunity to get the worlds we had envisioned in our minds out into the world. And thanks to it, thousands of aspiring...
by EZ Pub Profits | Apr 13, 2023 | Blog
When it comes to modern platforms for authors to sell their works on, there probably isn’t a more popular place than Amazon. Whether it is through their Kindle or Audible subsidiaries, or from the site itself, Amazon hosts a vast amount of books from all kinds of...