by EZ Pub Profits | Feb 11, 2023 | Blog
The publishing industry has changed in the roughly twenty years after Amazon was first established as an online bookstore. Currently, Amazon is in charge of nearly two thirds of all book sales, including both print books and eBooks. With that much influence,...
by EZ Pub Profits | Feb 11, 2023 | Blog
The publishing world has changed a lot over the years, as writers don’t need to find a publisher to get their writing out there. Platforms, like Amazon KDP, make it easier than ever to self-publish your books. Amazon KDP allows authors to make their eBooks available...
by EZ Pub Profits | Feb 11, 2023 | Blog
For a monthly charge (currently $9.99/month), consumers can borrow up to ten books from Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited service for as long as their writers or publishers have elected to include those titles within the Kindle Direct Publishing platform (KDP). There...
by EZ Pub Profits | Feb 11, 2023 | Blog
If you’ve got a step-by-step manual, understanding how to publish with Amazon is easy. However, since some people may not find Amazon’s publishing platform to be the most user-friendly, figuring it all out on your own might be challenging. Although...
by EZ Pub Profits | Feb 11, 2023 | Blog
The biggest problem for any author attempting to promote a book on the biggest marketplace in the world is getting their book heard over the literally hundreds of thousands of other books that are out there. Acquiring a command of Amazon keywords will help. In this...
by EZ Pub Profits | Feb 11, 2023 | Blog
Are you considering selling on Amazon KDP and want to know if you need a business license? Maybe you are looking to make some extra cash and aren’t sure if Amazon KDP is the right choice for you? Or are you curious and want to know more? No matter your reason, we have...